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Title: Designing Responsive Academic Library Website By Using Open-Source Content Management System WordPress Element or Plugin: a practical approach
Authors: Ahmed, Jamil
Singh, Shiv
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: MANLIBNET Conference Proceedings
Abstract: A library website serves as a source of information for all library patrons. Libraries nowadays are constantly looking for new methods to reach out to their patrons. The integration of WordPress Open-Source Content Management System with the academic library website for delivering interactive services to users is described in this study. The most widely used opensource website Content Management System (CMS) is WordPress. Initially, it was started as a blog platform, but it has evolved into a full-featured CMS that can power practically any style of website. WordPress is the most used CMS (36%) over the world (CMS Technologies Web Usage Distribution, n.d.). WordPress is a CMS that uses the PHP programming language and MySQLas a relational database management system(Https://En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/WordPress, n.d.). The WordPress platform is used to generate, manage, modify, and publish web content. It satisfies the needs of library portal material, such as general library information, library services, and library resources. The design and construction of an Academic library website utilising the WordPress content management system and Elementor plugin are discussed in this paper
ISBN: 978-93-92711-06-0
Appears in Collections:Conference Proceedings_LRC

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