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Title: International Dispute Settlement and Evolution of Minimum Standards of Intellectual Property Rights in International Law
Authors: Panickasseril, Jacob George
Keywords: International Law
Dispute Settlement
World Trade Organization
Intellectual Property
Minimum Standards of Protection
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract: An overlook across the various WTO disputes concerning intellectual property reveals that disputes have either seen mutually acceptable solutions without invoking the available options of mediation or good offices of the WTO Director General or have been contested before the panel and Appellate Body. With the latter being defunct there is an increased need for strengthening the faith in the multilateral trading system by incorporating relevant legal regimes available within other international organizations particularly the WIPO which can protect the interests of developed and developing States vis-a-vis intellectual property rights in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper argues that the discourse of minimum standards of protection of intellectual property which originated in the TRIPS Agreement will eventually be influenced by the abovesaid developments within and without the WTO.
ISBN: 978 - 5 - 7444 - 5165 - 3
Appears in Collections:Conference Proceedings_ SOL

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